Mike's TechEd Picture Page
- These are photos I took at Microsoft TechEd 2003 -

Dallas skyline from convention center

Keynote speech. Thousands of people sitting in folding chairs,
watching the action on five giant screens...

Rush hour

"Hands-On" labs like this one were available to test-drive
Microsoft's latest development and server technologies.

A substantial number of companies had booths in the exhibit area.

One of the more interesting exhibits was this setup, a system used by
professional Formula-One race teams.

This server set-up, at the HP booth, had about 75 CPUs and 2 Terabytes of storage.

In the 'Internet Cafe' area, 650 PCs were set-up for folks who need Internet access.
Smaller groups of PCs were also available in other areas. In addition, Microsoft had turned
the entire convention area into one giant "hot spot", with WiFi 802.11b coverage.

Another view of the 'Internet Cafe' area.

And another...

Some computer guys relaxing during a break.

Hard at work...on bean bags.

At the big TechEd party, held at the Dallas county fair grounds (Fair Park).

Bumpercars at the party. About a hundred X-Box game consoles were
also set-up for playing various games.

Several rock groups such as 'Smashmouth' performed at the party.
(C) 2003 by Silicon
Valley Accounting Systems