
  • Issues can be assigned specific categories, priorities or status (high priority, active, on-hold, completed, closed).

  • Issues can be assigned to specific team members for resolution, with the appropriate priority and due date settings.

  • Issues are color-coded both on-screen and on the reports as to status - red for high priority, yellow for active, blue for on-hold, grey for completed, dark-grey for closed.

  • Issues can be filtered by either category or status.

  • Runs directly on the Windows desktop; IssueTrack uses dynamic screen object resizing to take full advantage of today's higher-resolution screens.

  • Detailed information can be stored and tracked for each issue (see entry screen below).

  • Summary and Detail Issue reports provided, with full dynamic color-coding to take advantage of modern color printers (backward compatible with regular black-and-white printers). Click on the report images below to see the full-size versions:

Detail Report

Summary Report



  • Windows 98, NT 4.0 or Windows 2000.
  • Pentium-class PC, 64MB or more of RAM recommended.


Copyright 2001 by Silicon Valley Accounting Systems